FAM Tour & Member Events Policies

Members are required to comply with the following policies & procedures for members-only events, such as FAM tours and PDPs (Professional Development Programs).

[scroll down to bottom for FAM cancellation instructions]

GANYC FAM tours are increasingly one of the most popular reasons why people ask to join our organization. In order for GANYC to maintain its high level of professionalism, FAM tour policies must be followed. Guides should treat FAM tours as if they were going on a paid, professional tour –- register ahead of time, cancel on time, arrive on time, and TIP the guide.

We expect that GANYC members are professionals, and are capable of keeping track of their own registrations (including their waitlist status), and following all listed instructions. Emails are always sent with reminders, changes, or updates to tours/registrations. If for some reason you are not receiving these emails, check your spam folder, or contact the GANYC IT Committee.

1. FAM tours are for full and provisional GANYC members only. No guests allowed. No exceptions will be made.

2. All GANYC members must register and cancel FAM tours themselves via Wild Apricot. No exceptions will be made.
 (a) Registrations made via GANYC social media or email to the Education Committee are not valid.
 (b) Members are requested not to email or call the Education Committee to make changes to their registration.
 (c) Members are requested not to email the guide directly to request registration or other requests.

All requests made by email will be ignored.

3. Waitlists are generated automatically by Wild Apricot.
 (a) There are no separate waitlists maintained by the Education Committee or the guide offering the FAM tour.
 (b) GANYC members cannot email the Education Committee to be added to the waitlist.
 (c) GANYC members on a waitlist will be automatically informed if a spot opens up.

4. The no-show and lateness policies must be followed by all members.
 (a) Members must cancel 48+ hours prior to the FAM tour via the Wild Apricot app or online. See instructions below.
 (b) All late cancellations and no-shows are subject to a $25 fee. Fee is $50 for tours with a waitlist exceeding 5 members.
 (c) Members who no-show for 3 FAM Tours or Site Inspections in a fiscal year will be prohibited from attending any FAM Tours/Site Inspections for a period of 12 months.
 (d) For special cases (medical or family emergencies) requests must be sent to the Education Committee. They have final say on these requests.

5. The guide offering the FAM tour may invite a guest, but must inform the Education Committee PRIOR to posting the tour, who will register said guests.
 (a) Members may not request guests of their own.
 (b) An exception will be made on bus FAMs as needed to fill a bus. That decision will be made one week prior to the tour.

6. Any “extras” who show up to attend a tour without pre-registering will be turned away.

Instructions on cancellation for events:
When accessing WildApricot on a web browser, make sure you are actively logged into your account. Then, go to your main profile page on WildApricot, and click on "My event registrations." Click on the specific event you are canceling. It should say "Already registered" -- click on that. On the following page, look for the button that says "Cancel registration." Click that and confirm, it will remove you from the event registrants, and the appropriate GANYC personnel will be notified automatically in real time.

You can also find your registrations in the WildApricot Members app under 'My Tickets' and cancel direct from the individual page for that event.

NOTE: If you attempt to cancel past the 48-hour mark, the system will not let you. That is by design.
Emailing the Committee or Treasurer at this point will not eliminate your obligation to pay the fee.

In conclusion:
As tour professionals, we must be respectful of our fellow members and guides, not take advantage of the kindness of GANYC volunteers, and also expect that we can keep track of our own schedules. Thank you. We appreciate your understanding with these policies.

[PS: No-show fees do not apply to membership meetings.]