Malcolm X's Harlem: Witnessing the Autobiography

Easily one of the most iconic neighborhoods in the country, Harlem has remained a center of Black culture and politics from the early 20th century up until the present day. The neighborhood incubated myriad Black political movements from the Pan-Africanism of Marcus Garvey to the social gospel of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to the Black militancy of Malcolm X.

This particular tour focuses on Malcolm's relationship to the neighborhood. His journey to Harlem began as a young teen who stayed at the YMCA, followed by his central role as the Minister of the Nation of Islam and, eventually, the founder of his own Sunni mosque. While Malcolm traveled all over the world, Harlem was always the home base of his political organizing.

Our walk will begin with an introduction to Harlem and its history, followed by a journey where we retrace Malcolm's steps through the neighborhood from his time as a teenager all the way up until his death. Malcolm will be our “tour guide” as we work our way through Harlem’s built environment.

Note: This tour is based on “The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley.” It is highly recommended (but not required) to read the book in advance. Bring your copy with you if you really want to enrich your experience!